Photo of monk Jia

Monk Jia is an old Taoist hermit who lives in a stone cave in the Wudang mountains. He is a local icon, an incarnation of the mountains’ Taoist spirit. He lives very simply, his home – the cave – also serving as a small temple where people can come to meditate for a while. As you walk in, the smell of incense envelopes you and you feel a very special energy.

Monk Jia receives most of his visitors outside the cave though, on a small terrace. This terrace is very peaceful. Water comes down from the mountain into a small barrel. There is a small table where he writes or reads, and a sofa and chairs to sit and share stories. One corner serves as a simple kitchen. There is also a beehive, although Monk Jia never takes their honey. He regards these placid creatures as his friends. He likes to open their hive so people can see their busy bee home.

People from all over the world come to visit Monk Jia, eager just to sit with him, engage in a discussion or learn from his wisdom. He offers everyone a small necklace with a Taoist ba gua symbol. Even though he does not speak English, words are not needed to enjoy being in his presence. 

A photo of Monk Jia

Down from Monk Jia’s cave is another special place – a round stony terrace where the founder of tai chi, Zhang San Feng, used to practice. Whenever Wei Laoshi and our group were in the mountains we would go there to practice. On a steep hill deep in the mountains, under the eyes and spirit of Monk Jia, we would merge with our surrounding natural environment and the Universe, the moon shining upon us.

 Photo of a temple in the moonlight

The last time we up to the mountains, Monk Jia shared a story with us about a young man called Qian Cheng. We gathered around him like captivated children as he spoke with great animation and Wei Laoshi translated. Even though we could guess how it would end, it was wonderful to lose ourselves in the tale.

The Story of Qian Cheng

Qian Cheng was a young man uncertain about what to do with his life. He wasn’t sure if he should marry or not. He decided to go to Buddha and ask for advice.

Because he did not really know how to find Buddha, he asked for directions along the way.

First he asked the father of a neighbouring family: “Would you please help me find Buddha? I have a question to ask.”

“Oh,” the father said, “of course I will help you. When you meet Buddha, could you ask a question for me too?”

 “Yes, of course,” Qian Cheng replied. “What is your question?”

 “I have a daughter,” the man told him, “She is already 17 years old and has never spoken a word. I do not know what to do. Will you ask Buddha if she will be able to talk one day and when that day may be?”

Qian Cheng continued on his path to Buddha.

Soon he became lost again so he asked a giant boa: “I need to find Buddha so I can ask him a question. Would you help me find the way?”

“Yes,” the cobra said, “and when you get to Buddha, could you ask him a question for me too?”

“Of course.” Qian Cheng replied.

“I am a Daoist practitioner,” the cobra explained, “and I would like to reach the highest level and become an immortal being. Therefore my question is: how can I become immortal?”

The third time Qian Cheng had to stop to ask someone for the way, he met a local god. The god helped him and also had a question of his own for Buddha. He complained that the people there did not respect him and never came to him for advice. He did not how to change this.

“Could you please ask Buddha how I can gain the trust and respect of the people?” the god requested of Qian Cheng.

When Qian Cheng finally found Buddha, he asked the father’s question:

“Can the daughter speak and if yes, when will she do so?”

Buddha replied: “The daughter can speak and she will do so – when she sees her husband”.

Qian Cheng asked the boa’s question next:

“How can she reach the highest level and become immortal?”

Buddha answered, advising that the boa’s wish would be fulfilled once she has given away the two pearls she wears around her neck.

Qian Cheng then asked the local god’s question:

“How can he gain the respect of the people?”

Buddha replied: “The god has a jar of gold and a jar of silver. If he gives the people half of what is in each jar, he will gain respect and be worshipped.”

Qian Cheng was happy to now have the answers for the people who had helped him and left Buddha, forgetting about his own question. 

On his way back he met the local god and told him Buddha’s answer.

The god was very pleased and gave half of his jar of gold to Qian Cheng.

Qian Cheng thanked him and moved on.

When he came to the boa, Qian Cheng told her Buddha’s advise. Upon hearing that she must give away both pearls around her neck in order to become immortal, she immediately decides to give one to Qian Cheng.

Qian Cheng thanked the boa and continued on his way to see his neighbour, the father.

The daughter was standing at the window when Qian Cheng approached the house, and cried out to her mother: “Qian Cheng is coming!”

“Qian Cheng,” the father asked, “what did Buddha say?”

Qian Cheng replied: “Buddha said that your daughter would speak once she saw her husband”. 


When you walk the path in selfless action, your own wishes and questions will be fulfilled and answered. Do not ask about your future. Just walk the path selflessly.