Archives for category: practise
Window into South China

Window into South China

Have you ever wondered what the most important practice is?
We asked Teacher Wei for his advice.

Here is his reply: “The practice of Zhineng Qigong creates no conflict in family relationships. Also there is no conflict with our religious beliefs.
If people really understand the practice of ZQG well, it can actually help us to make our relationships better. Because ZQG can promote a healthy life situation and develop our wisdom and abilities. If we become stronger and wiser, of course we will handle family relationships better. We can help our wives, husbands and children. We can help more people.
So those of us who have this fear of conflict, this comes from a misunderstanding.
If we think: ‘I practice Qigong, I need to leave my home, I need to separate from my partner, husband or wife, or children, I avoid them…’, maybe some people worry like this. Perhaps for some people these ideas are like in some religions, where people leave and join a Temple.
Of course on a certain level we discover our ability is not yet enough and we want to practice to resolve our health problems. At this time if we focus on improving ourselves to a healthy situation. And then perhaps we will create a conflict in the family. This is very normal.
So at this time we can also resolve these problems. How to resolve them?
A practitioner should use a flexible Consciousness.
Don’t be fixed and use the flexible Consciousness to make family members happy. Now we can use Wisdom to help our family members understand what we are doing and also we can find some other ways to make them happy.
Some people who have serious problems, long-term problems, those people need to save more energy. And focus on their practice.
But we don’t create a conflict with the family members. First we should ask our family members to support us and help them understand us. This is very important.
If we simply think, ‘now I am sick, I have a problem, don’t disturb me,’ of course we will create a conflict with the family. But if we discuss it with the family and tell our partners: ‘I love you but now I want to improve my body, my health, the situation. If I become stronger, then I can do more and help you more and help our family more.’
If we use happy emotions and talk like this, then others will understand us better and support us.
Especially when there are some serious problems, or for young people, while they need to avoid the sexual life for a period of time, this is a real issue. This should be discussed.
We use Love.

Make more Joy!

Some people’s bodies are very weak and they need more energy to resist the problems the illness brings. These types of people need to stop the sexual life for a period of time to help the body recover.
Of course young people have lots of energy but if they also have a physical problem, these kinds of people, if they have a sexual life …, then don’t have too much sexual activity, then just have some sexual life.
The excitement of the sexual life can also activate the energy and it flows better. And also this can encourage the heart and to a certain level increase the immune system and make it stronger.
But, you know, if people do not know how to handle the sexual life and use the sexual activity too much, both young people and older people…, if they use the sexual life too much and always think the sexual life is good…
Like for example in Western Medicine they say: ‘Sexual life can improve your life quality’. If we think like that and every day engage in sexual activity, many sexual activities, you know, like that…, then people will waste too much energy, more than activate energy. More than improve the immune system. And then, gradually people will become weaker and weaker.

I suggest healthy and strong people can have a sexual life, but do not do it too much. We need to save the energy from the sexual life and change this to the ’Consciousness life’. Raise the level of the energy.
If people can love each other ‘Heart to Heart’, they are enjoying pure Consciousness from each other. Then the wife has a happy Consciousness, very wise, always taking care of the husband, or the partner…, and the other one is also very wise, very flexible…And then they can be giving a lot of joy to each other. Give the Joy of Consciousness to others!

So then the partners, or husband and wife,they will love each other from the Consciousness level. This level also can go deep inside the heart. So this level only gives us the most positive support. And then we will not lose energy.
Of course for those who practice ZQG, we do not forbid the sexual life. It just depends on people’s different situations and how to take care of ‘Life’. Let ‘Life’ stay in the balanced state, in the healthy state.
So after we practice ZQG in the family, the partners do not just think, ‘sexual life is not good, don’t have sexual activity with me…’.
The husband, wife, or partners should make more Joy, from the Consciousness level. Give more good information, more positive information to the Other.
If the Other is asking for more sexual activity, we can use our Wisdom and transform this. Maybe we can give a kiss, or use other ways to let the Other’s heart feel satisfied. This will all depend on our Wisdom. And gradually, the husband, the wife or our partner will respect us. And feel,’ you are a very good Heart, you have good Compassion’ and they feel that we really love them.And this kind of Love already raises everything to a higher level, more than the physical level.
You know, when we depend on the physical level of sexual life, it can give people some excitement from the hormones. The feelings are transformed by the hormones. People may feel comfortable. It influences the Consciousness level. But that is not in the level of Consciousness.
And after a while, if they have no longer sexual activity, then people experience ‘no Love’. Not the real,’ Heart to Heart’ Love. Because it is not real ‘Heart to Heart’ love, when it depends on the physical body feeling love. If this real feeling is not there and there is no longer sexual activity, then people will separate, they do not love each other.
If there is real Love for each other, from the Heart, then the sexual life becomes not so important. People can have it but they do not need it, if they love from the Heart. And then they also want each other to become healthier.
If the one partner thinks, ‘now you need to be more healthy, you have problems, you should save energy and use it to improve your situation’, if they think like this and support their other partner, then this is a very good partner, wife or husband.
If the husband, wife or partner knows that the Other has serious problems and that the sexual life can cause harm to the Other, and they still want sexual activity, then this kind of partner is very selfish. It means this kind of husband, or wife, or partner does not really like, or love the Other.

You know, if Love is Love and it has come from the Heart, Love wants others to become better and have a good life. Love is giving, not asking for things or controlling.
But people usually think that attachment is love. In fact this is a distorted love, a ‘fixated’ love. This kind of love is not real Love.
So we need to see through this. What is real Love? Practitioners need to see through it.
First from our Heart, we love others. Love our husband, wife or partner, love the children, love others…
Even when we practice qigong and focus on improving our health and situation, we should tell and discuss this with our husband, wife, or partners and children. And help them to understand us. This is the first important thing.
And we should always do some things, other things, not just sexual activity but other things to help the partner feel good. And do things for the children also. In doing this, we need to use our Wisdom. For example, when the husband, wife or partner comes back to the home, after the whole long day of hard work and they need to have a rest… Then we can quickly make a cup of tea, give a hug, give a kiss and make good food. Or we can tell an interesting story.
And we use our happy emotions, our happy Consciousness. We make a happy atmosphere. We can even give a massage and let the Other feel; ‘oh, real good ’. Yuh. We can find a lot of ways, hmm…,yuh.

Sexual life? Later, after sexual activity, people often feel not so good, no energy. It is the same for both. That moment, they feel good…, but after that…, usually people feel less energy. Even all sort of emotions come…
To change life, transform life and raise the family life to a Higher Level, we should use our Wisdom to create a harmonious family Qifield and Consciousness field….”

To be continued

International practitioners and Teacher Wei in South China 2014

International practitioners and Teacher Wei in South China 2014

Teacher Wei is training a worldwide group of “Qi Helpers”. These are dedicated practitioners who offer Qi help and support to those in need. And to each other.

Today, in part 2 of his new online lecture series about “How to give Qi Help”, Teacher Wei offers us detailed practical instructions on how we can send “Qi help” remotely to anyone, anytime and anywhere.

In this timely US Zone online session which was attended by several very experienced practitioners and also people completely new to ZQG, Teacher Wei guided us all, step-by-step through the process of sending remote healing to a qigong friend.

Teacher Wei explained several levels of “Qi help” that can be given. And he outlined the different stages of Consciousness involved.

He also highlighted the supreme importance of True Love and Compassion.

This session is a practical guide, a “how to do it” for all those who want to “Qi help” or heal others.  We offer you this new recording below with Love. We hope you will find it helpful for learning and practice.

For those of you who wish to contact Teacher Wei’s Qi Helper Group, please write to us with any questions. We are here. With you.

Qi Help US Lecture 20 July 2013, Online Session Recording:



Love everything.

Love is a state of the Consciousness.  If you have Love inside, this Love will connect with everything. Love is a state of our Consciousness. And Love also is a power. 

In fact, if we say “love the illness”, this describes just a mind state. It means we do not fight with our illness, we accept it. And in accepting it, when we truly accept it, in this moment our Consciousness is relaxed.

In such a relaxed Consciousness state, because we have Love, our Love and also our Compassion, has a very strong healing power. Our Consciousness is in a Love State.

And you know…, the natural healing power in our body…, this healing power will help us to improve our health condition, for example our immune system. This power will also give us positive energy and heal a problem. This is a natural process.

Consciousness loves everything. But the body also has its functions. It is capable of self-healing.

When we love, it means we give more power, more energy to support this function. We support the body’s natural healing function.

Love our illness” does not mean we attach to the illness. We do not think, “I need this illness”. It is not like that.

Love, the Big Heart, is Compassion. 

That means we go beyond. When we love the illness, it means Love. Love the body. Love others. This is all the same. It means we go beyond the illness.  We do not fixate on the illness, this is not the meaning of “love the illness”. We cannot do this, it would be false. It is not real.

Only when people go beyond it, then “love” it…,then there is no fear. It does not matter anymore, this means we accept it. We say “love”, it means accept it.

Accept all the reality… but now our Consciousness is in the state of Love.

You know, Love is a kind of state of the Consciousness! It does not mean we hold onto something, or we want to catch something when we “love it”.

If people hold onto something, and “love it”, this is a worldly love. It is fixed. This is self -centred. A kind of self centred- thinking, like : “…because it belongs to me, I love it.” Or: “I want to have it, I love it.” Or: “I love it!!” And here in this state we have a lot of conditions.

So we need to practice to experience true Love, from our inside. When we experience our true Love we can also feel our Love growing. Then it gives us more power. Our energy is growing. It is as if we charge more electricity through a lamp. The lamp becomes brighter, brighter…

Then in time, we only experience true Love. So when the Light illuminates our Heart, or some other organ, the Light naturally gives Love to all those organs. If the Light illuminates our illness, for example cancer, the Light also gives power to the cancer. But throughout the whole body, because now we have Love, the whole immune system also receives “the Love Power” and becomes stronger. It will clean up the body, clean out the toxins naturally. It changes the body, changes the internal environment.

This will make our body harmonious inside. And bring it to a harmonious healthy state.

 Hun yuan ling tong

Teacher Wei , 2 June 2013

Photo of Teacher Wei and practitioners in Europe 2013

Teacher Wei invites you to a Special Free July 2013 Online Session

“How we can open our compassionate Heart and become Qi Helpers“

To join click on the link below:

EU Zone , Saturday, 13 July 2013, at 2 pm China time

US Zone, Saturday, 20 July 2013 ,at 8 am China time

Hyde Trip1.5.13 054

Editor’s Note: Many women suffer from fibroids. But it is not often a topic for around the dinner party table, is it? And we are busy…So, because we do not share information about fibroids, for some of us this condition remains undiagnosed and therefore untreated.

It was like this in my case. And for me, the seemingly unimportant condition, years later resulted in consequences that radically and completely transformed my life. Gradually my immune system became weaker and weaker, due to ongoing loss of iron from my metabolism. And this significant loss of iron in turn resulted in my immune system one day being too weak to defend against a virus. This virus then completely wrecked the life I used to have up to the day my body finally crashed. Most people never recover from this type of virus. One of the darkest periods of my whole life opened up before me and swallowed me.

But I am lucky. In the darkness Light appeared. For me it was Teacher Wei’s compassionate guidance. And my daily practice of ZQG, sustained by the support of my Qigong friends worldwide. These days I am flourishing. And so is my new life.

And now you know why I wish to share Teacher Wei’s suggestions on how we can treat our fibroids. His advice may just change your life too…!

Love Qi to all,  Harmony 

Teacher Wei’s Suggestion for healing Fibroids:

“To help this condition, open your heart and don’t fixate on the problem. Make yourself happy. Open, happy…That is the first priority!

Become happy. Go into nature and create no pressure on yourself about the illness. Look at the beautiful nature. You can do a playful short run, play, play… and then practice.

Always let your heart feel it is open, free and happy. Find your own way to the good Consciousness state. Go to your best Consciousness state. Then practice all those methods below. This way it is very effective.

Join our free online sessions. Especially join the healing sessions.

Sleeping method. Very easy.  Also called Hun yuan sleeping practice.

Rest on bed, centre of feet, soles facing each other. Put hands , overlap them over the head. Lie on bed, on back. Then soles of feet facing each other. Then overlap the palm and place above the head by Baihui , a little distance above the head. The centre of the palms are facing the top of the head.

Then observe and focus on the breathing. Breathe into abdomen and feel energy go to abdomen, then energy to the chest, even connect to the head. Feel Qi flowing to and going to lower Dantian, middle Dantian, upper Dantian, through the breathing.

Standing Posture -3 Centres Standing Meditation

Do standing meditation with hands holding a big Qi ball in front of the Chest. Palms facing inside the Chest, Tanzhong. Practice a little while, then the hands lower down and do open and close from the problem place to resolve the fibroids.

Think fibroids, uterus, all turn into Qi…

Do open and close in the uterus. Open, close, the longer the better. Then at the end raise hands again and hold big Qi ball. Press in front of Chest. Palms facing middle Dantian. Feel the breathing. Mobilise the Qi between the three Dantian. Through open and close you can change the Qi of the fibroids.

But hold the hands in front of the chest. Then raise the Qi up and this way you can transform the blood into the Qi. But raise up and let energy go up a little. Don’t always go down, it’s good to maintain energy and blood in the body.

So start with a big Qi ball in front of the chest. At the end also hold big Qi ball in front of the chest. Stand there ten to twenty minutes. Between this, do open and close in uterus.

Do not do any squatting practice at this time! It will make you bleed more.

Also you can do “rotate hips and waist”. Section 6 of Body and Mind form. And if you do this, and also at the end of the practice, you should hold a ball in front of chest or do sleeping method (as above). 

Do more open and close. The more the better. Do it standing up, or sit or rest on the bed. Do a huge open and close, far away to the Universe. This way mobilise more inside Qi. When doing this connect with the good information in the Universe and send positive information to yourself. That you are happy. Try to go beyond any fear. Do a very focussed practice.

If you think your condition is serious, then do a more relaxed practice. Not do hard practice! You must relax a lot in this case.

Stop the sexual life and let the energy rise up. Save the energy and focus on building a peaceful and happy Consciousness and relationships.”

 Teacher Wei, 2 June 2013

 Photo of Harmony and Ian practicing in New Zealand

Teacher Wei offers us a Oneness Aspiration to start our days. And you can listen to the June 2013  Wudang Students Group chant “ Hun yuan ling tong, Xin Xiang, Shi Cheng”. Concludes with a citation of the 8 Verses.  We wish you good days and a good life !
Photo of Teacher Wei, Teacher Xi, Teacher Tao ( at the back) and Teacher Dong, in 2012 in Wudang ,China.